Kudos Speech Therapy

Messaging Strategy     Website Copy     Email Marketing 

Messaging Strategy

Website Copy Email


Gosh, I love when I get to work with someone who started their business because they saw a need in the world and stepped in to fill it themselves. That’s exactly who Dayna Sanders of Kudos Speech Therapy is. This was the second project I had the pleasure of working with them on, and It was a joy all around.

The thing we had to make sure we did with their copy was not to go too heavy or too flippant. They are talking about something very important to families, and we needed to hold the weight of that without exploiting it. Their audience's experience is layered and complex. They deal with everything from parent guilt, to scheduling conflicts, to advocating for their child at school,  insurance inconsistencies, and the list goes on. 

When you have to talk to your audience about something hard it takes a daft hand and a lot of empathy. BUT you can’t stand on empathy alone. You have to follow that up with authority. Your audience needs to know you’ve got them. That you have a plan and it’s been proven to work. Then they know they’re in the right place. 

Keep it up, Kudos! 



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