With these services and a little gumption, we’ll kick limp, lifeless copy to the curb forever. 

Jump to FAQS

When it comes to copywriting, sometimes you know exactly what you need, and sometimes you don’t know where to start.

That’s why the best first step is to schedule a consultation call so I can hear you out and help you come up with a plan that works for your unique business.


Let’s start with some of the work I can do for you, like:

Jessie Writes

Jessie Writes

Messaging and Strategy

We’ll work directly together to hone in on your messaging, and complete the foundation for your future marketing materials. Once you have this core messaging in place - what we call a “BrandScript” - you'll be able to use it to write consistently everywhere, including website copy, email sequences, lead generators, and your entire sales funnel. You'll feel relieved knowing you've worked with a messaging expert and have a crystal clear strategy. 

What's often included:

Weekly strategy, delivery, and editing sessions 

A completed BrandScript

Elevator pitch/One-Liner (this is similar to boilerplate copy)

Messaging Narrative

Tagline ideas

Evergreen Hero Statements (On-brand messaging that will always be true of your business)

Website Copy

This phase gives you the words and layout to nail your website. With the messaging and copy expertly crafted, you'll speak your audience's language, connect with them, and convert them into clients.

What's often included:

Weekly strategy, delivery, and editing sessions 


About/Team Page

Services Page

Contact Page

StoryBrand Wireframe - the blueprint for 
your website

Any collaboration needed with the web designer

Lead Generation + Email Nurturing

We'll create an irresistible asset that offers website visitors something valuable in exchange for their email address. This value-packed resource will position you as an authority in your field, and frame you as a generous brand. When your prospect downloads this lead generator, they'll be added to your email list and funneled into a highly strategic email sequence designed to nurture a relationship, build top-of-mind awareness, and  increase conversion.

What's often included:

Weekly strategy, delivery, and editing sessions 

Copy for 5-7 emails in a sales sequence

Copy for a lead generating asset like a downloadable PDF, checklist, small ebook, or quiz

Social media post promoting lead generator

Marketing Strategy and Content Calendar

Never commit random acts of marketing again. This phase is about designing a strategic plan for intentional communication with your audience across all your platforms. We'll plan out the what, when, how, and where we'll do it with a functioning content calendar. This includes planning campaigns, social media, blogs, articles, email marketing, and more. When the big picture is clear, you'll work smarter, not harder to fill your sales funnel.

What's often included:

Content strategy sessions

Content plan 

6 month spreadsheet calendar

Ongoing Digital Content 

Having a plan of attack is great, but actually attacking brings the real payoff. We all know that implementing an effective marketing campaign takes a ridiculous amount of writing, and my guess is you've got better things to do. I'll jump into the copywriter role on your team so your plan gets done in an effective, professional, and consistent manner. You’ll finally start seeing results from all the hard work you've put into getting your sales funnel working (without putting pen to paper!).

What's often included:

Weekly strategy, delivery, and editing sessions 

Nurturing emails


Accompanying social posts

Campaign landing pages

Copy implementation retainer available for 3, 6, or 12 month sprints. 

Schedule a call so we can talk about how to help you get the words right.

Get copywriting help

Jessie Speaks

Jessie Speaks

Your event needs a speaker who’ll shake things up (read: not be a snoozefest). Perfect for a group of business owners of any size or industry, these relevant, fun, and mic-drop-packed talks will leave your audience engaged and inspired. 

45, 60, or 90 minute virtual or in-person presentations:

Quit Wasting Money on Marketing : Clarify Your Message to Grow Your Business 

Close More Sales with the Power of Story 

Schedule a call to tell me about your event and find out if my talks would be a good fit!

Schedule a call

Jessie Leads

Jessie Leads

Your group, team, or organization could use an injection of purposeful and practical development opportunities, am I right? Thought so. I’m here to facilitate work sessions your attendees will find informative and impactful. 

Inquire about: 

90 Minute One-Liner Workshops

Half Day Messaging Strategy Sessions

Full Day Strategic Planning Sessions 

Curious if an in-house or virtual work session is right for you? Schedule a call and let’s talk about it!

Schedule a call

Jessie Thinks

Jessie Thinks

Everyone needs a thinking partner every now and again – whether you’re a large in-house marketing department developing a campaign strategy or a scaling solopreneur. You need a strategist you can call on with a fresh set of eyes, boots on the ground, and a big idea you can use. When you’re spinning your wheels or getting stuck in a rut, I’ll be the outside source to surge you forward. 

Reach out for:  

Marketing Audit 

Copy consulting and coaching

Hourly idea shesh 

Schedule a call, and we’ll put our brains together on this thing. 

Schedule a call

Want to see some samples of my writing? 

Check out a variety of goodies here. If you don’t see the specific industry, style, or deliverable you’re after, just ask. I guarantee, I’ve got it. 

Reach out for specific samples 

Want to talk pricing? 

If you’ve tried pricing out marketing or copywriting services, you know it’s mostly a haunted house of jump-scares, void of transparency. So I’ll be as straightforward as I can about cost: it depends. Frustrating I know, but that’s the truth. It’s similar to asking, “how much does a house cost?" There are simply too many variables and factors to give you a straight answer every time. But here’s the good news: 

I can guarantee that once I learn what you really need, I’ll be clear and honest about how much it costs and what you’ll get. 

That said, my services start at $1,250 and my average client invests between $4K and $15K in copywriting services for their business in a year (depending on their needs and what stands to give them the best ROI). 

LEt's talk about your project

Sign Me Up

Still got some Qs? 

Let’s get you some As. 

Nope. Anyone can write a newsletter, mailer, or website. The difference is effectiveness and results. A professional copywriter who understands strategy, the customer journey, and how to appeal to your prospect at the deepest level, is worth their weight in gold. We’re experts at getting to the core of your business, and translating your insider-language into words that make sense to their ears. We specialize in explaining how you’re the best solution to their needs. Plus, did you really get into business to write copy? IProbably not. I always say copywriting is an investment not another job for you to do. If you can, my advice is hire it out.

All of them. I’ve written for everything from Fortune 500 companies to a boutique brand that makes clothing for pit bulls, literally. No matter the niche or complexity, I can handle it, because I come to your business without the curse of knowledge. I know what your audience needs to hear in order to understand. I translate confusing concepts, acronyms, and insider jargon into clear, digestible language they can buy into. My specialty doesn’t lie in the industry so much as it does in the approach. I do my best work when I’m writing for a company that has a unique point of view and personality.

I’m happy to… but not right away. Before we write anything customer-facing, we’ll start with a period of exploration and building your core brand messaging. We get granular about your company’s story and your customer’s core motivations first. Once we outline this crucial foundation, it informs every word we write ensuring a consistent and effective messaging strategy across all channels. You should know I’m not a social media strategist or agency, so while I can write personality-rich, strategy-soaked copy for your posts, I won’t post for you, track data, or manage your account. 

Yes, but they’ll be part of a much larger strategy… see previous answer.

Yes, I’m part of a huge community of kick-ass creatives.

Definitely. I love collaborating with agencies and in-house teams. I’ll come alongside your team to help refine your strategy, create core messaging, offer a fresh perspective, and support roll-out efforts. 

Yes. I work with companies of every size. I know personally just how crucial it is to have support especially when you’re building something on your own. Whether you’re preparing to launch something new or looking to course-correct, add a service, or clarify your message, I’m here to help.

All the time. I’d love to serve as an extended part of the team and help you give your clients the very best. 

Are we a good fit?
Let's find out.

If you’re ready to tell your story in a way that connects and converts, I’m your girl.