Kiki & Lulu

Messaging Strategy     Website Copy

Messaging Strategy

Website Copy

I’ve got it real bad for Kiki and Lulu. I mean, just look at their IG for 2 seconds and you’ll see why. It’s all fabulous… their products, prints, personality – and prose? We were able to get super cute (while staying clear!) with their messaging, like these three examples from
their homepage: 

1. Value stack. Normally we pair 3-4 brand features with a graphic and single line of explanatory text. With K+L, we blew it up to three separate sections for each one, tackling three different punchy purposes. The headers can be easily scanned to tell a reader what makes the brand unique, the subheadings boost a benefit, and the third sub-SUB text delivers a personality punch no one can resist. SO informative, but so FREAKING fun.

2. Three-step process. No lame CTAs here. I mean, “Shop, Ship, Squeal…”? COME ON.
3. Secondary audience. Obviously, moms and dads are all about these products – but it’s those Nanas and aunties with disposable income who want to give the cutest gifts at the shower. Before we closed out the page, we wrote specifically to them. Cha-ching! 

Keep on crushin it Kiki and Lulu. You’re just too cute 
for words. 

(...but the words we did choose are pretty cute too.) 



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