Darin Germyn Real Estate

Messaging Strategy     Website Copy

Messaging Strategy

Website Copy

You know I love sharing these because when my clients’ copy sings, so does my little hot pink heart. 

That goes for Darin Germyn Real Estate. Now I know what you’re thinking – how hard could it be to write copy for a realtor? Great service, understands the market, will get you a great deal, badda bing… and you’re right. That is simple, if you want to sound like literally EVERY OTHER REALTOR in the freaking marketplace. We had to go higher.

So how does an agent differentiate themself without sounding braggy or self-centered? Especially when they’re legitimately always closin’ them deals.

Everyone knows a realtor and they assume they’re all the same. But Darin Germyn knew the only way to overcome that assumption was a strong messaging strategy to cut through the noise. So here’s how we positioned him:

1️ Value. You know I love a good lead magnet (because they’re so gosh darn effective), so we put one right in Darin’s header to deliver loads of value (and an immediate win for both parties) right off the bat. It helps people take action and connect right away.

2️ Empathy. Darin understands what you want and he can get it for you. When you say “I understand,” you instantly suck tension out of any room. It’s like you’re taking a seat next to your client on the couch, helping them lower their shoulders and feel seen. And since Darin is a genuine guy, it works. It was easy to focus on the down-to-earth realness that’s part of working with him (and not always the norm in his industry).
3️ Authority. It’s not enough to list a bunch of stats on your site and hope someone is impressed by them. Statistics have to be easily digestible to be effective. We used only the most interesting data points to raise the stakes, demonstrate Darin’s understanding of the market, build client trust, and establish authority.

Darin, you’re killing it. Thanks for letting me help. 



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“she is the real deal”

“Working with Jessie was amazing, she is the real deal. She has the ability to take the words right out of your head and help simplify them in an impressing way. Definitely reach out to her if you need help upping your game!”