Fifty Two Hundred Photo

Messaging Strategy     Website Copy

Messaging Strategy

Website Copy

Y'all. Don’t walk, RUN over to @fiftytwohundredphotofilm and click on their portfolio. In seconds, you'll understand why I'm 100% crushing on this client. UGH. Seriously, she's got me crying real tears with her cinematic Family Films, and those aren't even my kids. Katrina Williams is the woman behind the lens. Her work is STUNNING, and she is a gift. 

We met because she needed help communicating the value of her unique approach. We remain connected because she’s the real deal.

Katrina wanted words that were a little more poetic. Her website copy needed to be rich and velvety…to hit you in the feels. So much of her work focuses on imagery and beauty and how they move us. A bunch of stiff, sterile words just wouldn’t make a lick of sense.

…But we still had to be clear and direct. 

Together we worked on defining this delicate Messaging Strategy balance with the StoryBrand 7-Part Framework. It helped us create a clear message her audience could understand, feel, and get excited about. Then phase two was all about choosing just the right words to tell that story on her website. 

I think we crushed it. Great work, Katrina. I'm honored to do this work with you. 



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“so grateful!!”

“Thank you Jessie!!! I love the copy you create for me!! So grateful!!”